Friday 8 July 2011

Buy One, Get Two Free

Days worth of food blogging that is... not sure what happened yesterday which meant I didn't get here but Wednesday I didn't really seem to stop much and whenever I did I had other stuff I needed to go on the computer.


I had a sausage and bacon baguette.  Quite a lot of cranberry and raspberry squash, some water.  I ended up with spam sandwiches for tea which whilst yummy are 1) not very healthy and 2) not particularly suitable as a tea type meal.  I forgot to go and by what I wanted to have for tea and thought I didn't have time to go back into town and grab it.  The way things went my evening plans didn't come off as anticipated so I could have done.  I went to cornerstone in the evening where I had some appletise and did some writing (my mate forgot she was supposed to come meet me and I managed to leave the house without picking up my phone...) then when I got home I had some shortbread.


I had one glass of cranberry and raspberry squash. Lots and lots of water - I think 4 pints? spaced throughout the day.  For lunch I had corned beef on crackers and three bits of shortbread.  In the evening I went to a CAB summer social - a BBQ with ferret racing. Apple juice to drink - 3 125ml wine glasses of it I think.  To eat I had a burger in a roll, a piece of chicken, two sausages in one roll and a few crisps.  Later I had I think 3 tiny flapjack bites and 3 bits of shortbread for pudding.  This was a major win for me because the person who went to the pudding table for me put a few bits I hadn't asked for in my bowl too (why do people do that?! I don't get it....) including some chocolate which looked like milk and white chocolate mixed together... and if you know how much I love kinder chocolate (which this wasn't) you'll know how tempting it was for me but I passed it on to someone else.  When I got home I had a glass of milk to take my "with or after food" meds with.  I'm not convinced that works great but it did better than when I took it with just water on Monday and felt rubbish after....

Friday (Today!)

Today I've had 3 mugs of water (don't know why I'm drinking out of a mug rather than a pint glass like usual but I am) so far and a sausage and bacon baguette - my lunch with a friend got cancelled and I couldn't resist when I was in town.

I really need to get my eating back on track again....


Have had several more things of water which I've been enjoying a lot.  I played on just dance 2 for 25 minutes so I got some exercise which I also enjoyed.

For tea I had jackets with cheese and diet lemonade to drink. Comfort food after a bit of a crying spell.


more diet lemonade and 4 bits of shortbread (I was going to have 3 but that would have left one all on it's lonesome in the packet which obviously wouldn't do.)

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