Monday 4 July 2011

Week Two Begins

So.... week two begins today.  My food check in for today is in a separate entry here but I thought I would post an entry once a week about progress in general and how things are going.

Surprisingly enough one week without coke and chocolate and I've not had any headaches.  It's quite common usually that when I give up coke and/or chocolate I get really bad migraine type headaches, often with nausea as I withdraw from the caffeine so it's huge that hasn't happened.  Shows what happens when you do something at the right time  I suspect.

On the whole I've not missed a lot of the things I've given up which is huge.  Obviously I've had two sausage and bacon baguettes so that's been a struggle but I've not missed pizza, and I've not really missed chocolate and coke.  I did have to resist the urge to go to the chippy on Saturday night, particularly once it was relatively late and due to things going wrong right when I'd planned to make dinner (which we won't discuss) I'd not eaten.  But I managed it.  Which is huge!

This week I need to get more exercise and actually take my supplement as well as my meds.

I'm beginning week two with a 2lb weight loss. Not the most amazing week one loss ever but that'll do - especially as I have my period now.

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